South Suburban
Church of God

About South Suburban Church of God
Ministerial Perspective:
"JESUS is our ultimate example. Working not for selfish gain, but for heaven’s glory; putting not one’s own desire first, but the needs of others; profiting not from money, but from God’s blessing."
Mission Statement:
The South Suburban CHURCH OF GOD (formerly, Church of God in Ford Heights, IL) has been organized to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ through:
Public worship
Personal and Corporate Evangelism
Missionary Outreach
Teach and train its members in observation of biblical Christianity
Conduct all other activities designed to advance the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ our Lord

Local Ministers:
Pastor Larry Addison
Rev. Bobby F. Jackson, Pastor, Emeritus
Associate Ministers:
Rev. Shirley Allen
Min. Michelle Burkins
Min. Tracy Burkins
Rev. Virginia Hardrict
Rev. Barbara Stone
Rev. Lillie Williams

Our Partners
Ministry Partners:
Church of God, Anderson, IN
Chicagoland Area Ministers Fellowship:
Illinois Church of God Ministries:
National Association of the Church of God, West Middlesex, Pa.:
National Inspirational Youth Convention:
Women of the Church of God: